List Detail

Entering Grade: K-Prep

Most Lasting Benefit of Your HDS Experience: How the teachers at HDS prepared me and let us ask questions. They really help us understand the material we are learning.

One activity/subject you would not have tried unless you were at HDS: I would not have tried cross country if I was not at HDS. Cross country is important to me because it builds up my endurance for other activities such as baseball, soccer, and basketball.  

What makes HDS special? What makes HDS special is the fact that you can have a one-on-one conversation with any teacher. You can also get really close with your classmates, and get to know all of them personally. 

Favorite HDS Memory: My favorite HDS memory is when my team won the 3v3 student council tournament. 

Harford Day is the only PK3 to Grade 8 independent school in Harford County accredited by AIMS (Association of Independent Maryland/DC Schools) and a member of NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools).
Non-discrimination Statement
Application to Harford Day School is open to all students without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin,
 sexual orientation, or disability. Harford Day School does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, financial policies, financial aid programs, and other administered extra-curricular or administrative programs.

The Harford Day Mission
At Harford Day School, learning is a joyful process rooted in respectful relationships, strong traditions, and an innovative program that fosters confidence, imagination, curiosity, and engagement with the world.