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Middle School

7th Grade

7th Grade

They are better able to engage in critical thinking and problem-solving. They are more adept at seeing various perspectives, and at providing reasons behind their assertions. Analytical writing becomes increasingly important in English, History, and Science classes, and Algebraic functions demand greater abstract reasoning in conjunction with arithmetic skills.

Core Courses

List of 5 items.

  • Math

    Pre-Algebra/Algebra are focused increasingly on thinking about numbers, data, and patterns. Students are expected to utilize visual representations, such as charts and graphs, to analyze and communicate numerical information. Much practice is devoted to translating words and operations into mathematical expressions and equations as students learn the language of Algebra.
  • Science

    • Life Science examines the means of inquiry scientists employ, particularly the need to ask questions and formulate methods for testing answers to those questions, the importance of safety in the laboratory, and the use of models and formal reports to communicate information. The course includes scientific classification, an in-depth study of cells, exploration of the various human body systems, and genetics, and connects directly with the seventh grade theme, "Humans and Society." 
  • English

    The English 7 curriculum focuses on reading and writing with an eye toward examining the author’s agenda and writing strategies. Students will build upon their existing skills to produce writing that is both more precise and larger in scope than in previous years. In addition to exploring genre, seventh graders will focus on the core theme of “Humans and Society.” In English class, this theme will be examined through the lens of writing centered on social commentary and critique, including satire, dystopian literature, and propaganda.
  • History

    This World Cultures course requires students to delve deeply into cause and effect, the relationships and impacts of events and leaders, and the roles of religion, technology, economics, and politics as influencers of history. Students are challenged to think like historians as they study the evolution and interactions of governments and cultures, as well as connections to the seventh grade theme, "Humans and Society."  Both primary and secondary sources are used in considering cultures found in Eastern and Western hemispheres, and students are expected to increase their proficiency in transforming their ideas and conclusions into writing strong, well-supported responses and assertions.
  • Spanish

    The Spanish classes continue to provide practice in the target language through reading, writing and speaking. Students expand their facility with the language through more advanced grammar concepts, including tense and number, and tackle speaking about themselves, their experiences, and activities. Active learning, through games, partner work, and drama remains an important element of the language courses.

Extra & Co-Curricular

List of 6 items.

  • Field Study

    From service trips to grade level retreats, from museum visits to outdoor adventures, from day expeditions to overnight outings, HDS Middle School students range far and wide. The camaraderie and learning that occur on ropes courses and hikes, in cabins and platform tents, in docent-led art tours and community projects  cannot be replicated in the classroom. These program enhancements provide rich memories our alumni recall fondly for years to come!
  • P.E./Sports Teams

    Middle School students enjoy a fun and challenging Physical Education curriculum that is scheduled into their school day, as well as opportunities to participate in a number of interscholastic sports. HDS competes against regional schools in soccer, field hockey, cross country, basketball, and lacrosse, and effort is made to allow interested individuals the chance to play on more than one team per season. We have a no-cut policy, and though athletic participation is not required, we encourage students to try a sport or two -- the benefits of physical activity, being a member of a team, managing time, and learning good sportsmanship are widely acknowledged!
  • Traditions

    A community as close-knit as the one at Harford Day loves getting together and celebrating its traditions! Big/Little Buddies, advisors who stay with you through your Middle School years, the Turkey Trot at Thanksgiving, baking bread for Manna House, Fun Runs, dances, and High School Night are just a few of the time-honored occasions that draw us together. The culmination of each academic year, eighth-grade graduation, features an alumna/alumnus chosen as a featured speaker, a reunion of graduates from years gone by, and the annual Blue-Green games that serve as a rousing send-off to summer vacation.
  • Health & Wellness

    Physical and Social-Emotional Health instruction goes well beyond the P.E. class in today’s middle schools, and Harford Day is no exception. In concert with science teachers, advisors, and the school counselor, students learn about taking care of themselves and each other. Examples of topics include nutrition, puberty, mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and relationships. Additionally, as issues of concern arise among students, the faculty works diligently, in partnership with families, to address and resolve matters in a safe and healthy fashion. Just as our academic program is designed with early adolescents in mind, our approach to Wellness is developmentally appropriate for 11-14 year old students.
  • Leadership

    Leadership skills must be modeled and practiced, and the HDS Middle School abounds with occasions and opportunities to flex developing leadership muscles. An active Student Council comprises officers elected for the year, as well as grade level representatives elected twice each school year. Student Ambassadors are trained to provide campus tours to prospective families, and athletic team captains are responsible for assisting the coach and mentoring younger players. Each grade level at the MS has a “buddy grade” in the Lower School, service and charitable endeavors are often spearheaded by students, Eighth Graders deliver capstone speeches to the student body, and the annual Field Day games are run by middle schoolers. As a small school, all students have a wealth of chances to explore leadership, a key difference from larger schools where only a fraction of the population is able to engage in this manner.
  • The Arts

    Visual and Performing Arts are integral to the Harford Day experience. All students are enrolled in music and visual art courses during their three years in Middle School, and sixth/seventh grade students also take a course in graphic design. Additionally, students can elect to participate in Chorale and Set Design, as well as theater performances in the fall (a play) and spring (a musical); those interested in contributing behind the scenes are able to become part of the tech crew. A particular point of pride is our Artist in Residence program, a tradition that brings a professional artist to campus each year to engage with students and make art! Gorgeous examples of the masterpieces generated during the Artist in Residence week are permanently displayed throughout the school. The Middle School’s “smARTs Week” allows students to explore mini-courses related to the Arts, and finally, private, after-school lessons are available to children interested in piano or stringed instruments.

Harford Day is the only PK3 to Grade 8 independent school in Harford County accredited by AIMS (Association of Independent Maryland/DC Schools) and a member of NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools).
Non-discrimination Statement
Application to Harford Day School is open to all students without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin,
 sexual orientation, or disability. Harford Day School does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, financial policies, financial aid programs, and other administered extra-curricular or administrative programs.

The Harford Day Mission
At Harford Day School, learning is a joyful process rooted in respectful relationships, strong traditions, and an innovative program that fosters confidence, imagination, curiosity, and engagement with the world.