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K-Prep for 4 & 5 Year Olds

K-Prep, our class for 4 to 5 year olds, is a year of wonder as play and learning experiences intertwine for the acquisition of more concrete interpersonal and academic skills. Students continue to grow in their abilities to work independently and as a member of a group.

The K-Prep curriculum promotes the child’s ability to confidently articulate his/her thoughts and ideas, gain an understanding of letter-sound associations through the exploration of letters, sounds, and words, and build a strong number sense through games and activities. Teachers observe the students at play and create a program that nurtures their interests and cultivates their natural curiosity.

Learning to share and working as a team are part of our learning process. Highlights of the year include Pajama Day, animal research projects followed by a trip to the Maryland Zoo, and the class play.

Core Learning

List of 7 items.

  • Listening & Speaking

    • Speaks in complete sentences
    • Expresses ideas clearly
    • Uses the correct pronouns when speaking
    • Listens attentively
    • Appropriately participates in class discussions
    • Formulate thoughts to meaningfully contribute to class discussion 
  • Math Readiness

    • Recognize and order numbers to 20
    • Match numbers to 20 to sets
    • Count to 50
    • Beginning to count by 5’s and 10’s
    • Apply simple patterns
    • Apply spatial relations ( up/down, above/below)
    • Identify basic geometric shapes
    • Independently complete 24 piece puzzle
  • Personal Skills

    • Demonstrate appropriate control of one's body
    • Execute and apply verbal directions to complete classroom activities
    • Engage appropriately in lessons and activities
    • Transition appropriately between tasks
    • Respectfully manage classroom supplies
    • Put materials and personal items away with teacher instruction
    • Regulate emotions in an appropriate manner
    • Show empathy toward peers
    • Chooses suitable behaviors in interactions with peers
    • Performs basic self-care skills
    • Pack's up belongings and put on coat independently
  • Reading Readiness

    • Discern print word versus letter
    • Read left to right
    • Identify initial sounds in words
    • Associate letter/sound connections
    • Identify capital and lowercase letters
    • Identify rhyming words
    • Retell parts of a story (beginning, middle, and end)
    • Establish purpose for reading: make predictions, connect important ideas, and link previous experiences
    • Identify parts of a book: cover, author, and illustrator
  • Science

    In K-Prep, science is a hands-on endeavor with weekly experiments (sometimes more), nature studies, and guided explorations on a variety of topics, including:
    • Simple Machines
    • Animal and Habitat Studies
    • Plants and Trees
    • Weather Observations (ex. rain gauges)
    Through these activities the children become keen observers of the world around them while beginning to understand the scientific method.
  • Social Studies

    In Little Dragons and K-Prep, the classroom community itself is part of the social studies experience. Meeting new friends, navigating the classroom, and learning daily routines are all a part of learning outside of one's home.

    Beginning with the world children know, we explore places such as home and school, and then expand into neighborhoods, cities, and states using maps and globes. The children learn about community helpers and the ways in which all people contribute in a community. The goal is to create enthusiasm for the diversity in the world through the exploration of artifacts, books, music, and holidays.
  • Writing Readiness

    • Identify first and last name
    • Writes first name legibly
    • Demonstrates consistent hand preference
    • Controls pencil and scissors
    • Expresses ideas in drawings
    • Label simple drawings
    • Writes numbers to 20 with prompts
    • Writes capital and uppercase letters with prompts

Enriched Learning

List of 5 items.

  • Art

    Art instruction at Harford Day School is interdisciplinary and related to topics being studied in social studies, science or other subjects. This holistic approach is no different in K-Prep and Kindergarten. Using different mediums from clay to paint, students learn about a subject from many different perspectives in an age appropriate manner. Apples, lady bugs, snowmen, trees--you name it. Amazing works are created as the art teacher skillfully breaks down each project into fun, creative steps that hone the children's fine motor skills.
  • Media Studies

    The K Prep 4 students continue to learn how to use the library each week. We read and discuss wonderful books, students check out their very own selections, and then have some quiet time to read with a friend or teacher. The children continue to learn and practice library rules and routines.
  • Music

    Early Childhood students experience the elements of music through singing, movement, playing instruments, and creating. They learn to read and write rhythms and pitches by playing games and improvising.
  • P.E.

    Early Childhood movement is so important to development.  In Physical Education classes, students engage in activities that develop their gross motor skills, spatial awareness, and knowledge of different sports and games. Students use balls, hoops, bean bags, blocks, play running games, and enjoy building age appropriate obstacle courses. Good sportsmanship and teamwork are always emphasized.
  • Spanish

    The K-Prep students leap into learning Spanish. Each class begins with the children singing and dancing to upbeat greeting songs. Children are introduced to colors, numbers, and family vocabulary through games, songs, and movement. Significant cultural celebrations such as  “Los Días de los Muertos” and “Las Posadas" are also discussed.  Classes read stories and complete fun practice activities to learn new vocabulary. 

Harford Day is the only PK3 to Grade 8 independent school in Harford County accredited by AIMS (Association of Independent Maryland/DC Schools) and a member of NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools).
Non-discrimination Statement
Application to Harford Day School is open to all students without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin,
 sexual orientation, or disability. Harford Day School does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, financial policies, financial aid programs, and other administered extra-curricular or administrative programs.

The Harford Day Mission
At Harford Day School, learning is a joyful process rooted in respectful relationships, strong traditions, and an innovative program that fosters confidence, imagination, curiosity, and engagement with the world.